Riker's An Oral History

FEBRUARY 5, 2023

On January 16, 2023, Rikers: An Oral History, by Graham Rayman and Reuven Blau, was published. This book discusses stories from several people who have experienced incarceration first-hand. Our very own Kandra Clark, VP of Policy & Strategy, describes a time when she witnessed a detained woman put her hand through the cell bars to reach into a garbage bin and pull out bologna to eat. The officers refused to feed her. Ms. Clark also describes the several mental health amongst incarcerated people she witnessed throughout her incarceration at Rikers. According to Kandra, “It is sad to see that the same challenges I faced on Rikers in 2010 are not only still here in 2023 but are worse! As a society, we know that jails have become dumping grounds for people with mental health. Yet, there are no mental health supports while detained/incarcerated. We can do much better to ensure that people who commit harm receive the support they need to overcome their trauma. Hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people.”

To read some of Kandra’s story and many other impactful stories, check out Rikers: An Oral History! No one would want their loved one to be treated the way people are treated on Rikers Island.

FEBRUARY 5, 2023