Opinion: Exodus Transitional Community deserves a second chance

MAY 4, 2023

Anthony Dixon via NYNMedia:

The idea of second chances is a fundamental aspect of our legal system and one that should be extended beyond just the legal system. After all, second chances are what give us the opportunity to grow, learn from our mistakes, and make a positive impact on the world around us. Unfortunately, there are times when society forgets this basic principle, and individuals or groups are punished too severely for a single mistake.

The recent situation with Exodus Transitional Community, a five-star non-profit organization, as rated by Charity Navigator, is a prime example of society forgetting the basic principle of second chances. Exodus Transitional Community has helped countless incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals turn their lives around and become productive members of society. They have hired thousands of people, provided housing, formed leading successful crime prevention programs, and created a culture of work ethics that has helped break the cycle of poverty and incarceration for many. Few organizations have had a more positive impact on public safety or a more pristine record than theirs. There's no denying that Exodus is widely regarded as a premier justice social service agency around the country.

For the full story, please visit: Opinion: Exodus Transitional Community Deserves a second chance.

MAY 4, 2023