On September 8, 2020, Friendly Films and Exodus launched a short documentary on Exodus' response during COVID 19. Throughout the documentary, you will witness the power of healing communities, as well as individual and systemic transformation. Because COVID 19 is a health crisis, shelters and other dormitory-style living environments are not safe. Furthermore, the City was able to decarcerate nearly 1,800 people during the pandemic - a true testament that systemic transformation is not only possible but more cost-effective to taxpayers. Watch the 7 minute documentary.

Exodus began providing emergency housing at hotels in April 2020 in response to the COVID 19 pandemic for people who were undomiciled and being released from city or state correctional facilities. We operate 6 hotels with a current capacity of 864 residents. Culturally competent and well-trained staff provide 24/7 on-site services, including case management and care coordination. More permanent housing is the primary focus, along with coordinating mental health and substance use disorder treatment and workforce development training and opportunity. We work with a wide array of partners to ensure residents’ basic needs are met, clothing, food, metro cards, while providing intensive support and case management so people can reach their goals. Participants create goals in several life areas, including employment, education, family reunification, and community engagement, while case managers ensure effective service delivery and that commitments are made to referring partners. Housing Specialists, Social Workers, and Medical staff are also on-site to support residents in their transition.
For further information related to Exodus’ hotel operations in NYC, please feel free to email VP of Development & Programs, Nora Reissig at nreissig@etcny.org. For referral information, please contact Regin Salonga at RSalonga@etcny.org.