
Entertainment Development Center

With its rich history in music during the Harlem Renaissance, Harlem is the birthplace of many artists and genres of music. At Exodus, we believe in the holistic properties of music especially in the work that we do. Music is a form of therapy, art, academic studies, and more. Housed in our newly renovated Grace Center located at 178 124th Street, New York, NY 10035, is our state-of-the-art Entertainment Development Center. Our new music studio will be a staple not only for the hundreds of participants of Exodus Transitional Community but to the Harlem community as a whole. 

 We currently have staff with experience in media production, musical engineering, theory, history, and more.

The Entertainment Development Center hopes to provide:

  ·   Music Engineering Training Program

·         Introduction to music theory

·       Recording and Podcast Studio

·         Music Therapy

·         Mentoring program

 For more information call us at 917-492-0990 or email info@etcny.org